Films & Series

10 uitspraken van Lauren Conrad over slechte vriendjes waar iedereen van kan leren

Het is inmiddels al 6 jaar geleden dat de laatste uitzending van The Hills op MTV te zien was en goh, wat missen we het nog steeds. Om over de boy troubles maar te zwijgen! The Hills zorgde iedere episode weer voor de nodige emoties. Maar er werd heus ook wel iets zinnigs gezegd! Zoals de volgende 10 uitspraken over slechte vriendjes uit de mond van Lauren Conrad.

1. He’s a sucky person


2. Sometimes no matter how much you like a guy, they’re just not good for you

3. Don’t ever cry over someone who won’t cry over you

4. As soon as you stop thinking about them, they’ll send you a text message or they’ll call you, because they know you just stopped thinking about them. It’s like a radar

5. Love is not a maybe thing. You know when you love someone

6. I don’t wanna look. I want someone to find me

7. Regardless, you are going to miss him. You’re even going to miss the stupid things. Everything in your room is going to remind you of him


8. If you really want to be with someone, it should be someone you really like, someone you’re really proud to be with, and you should want to call them your boyfriend or girlfriend

9. Flowers mean I’m sorry, chocolates mean I love you


10. If you are in a relationship with someone, you can’t walk up to them and be like ‘hey’


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